3 Daily habits of Treasure Coast’s best real estate agent

June 27th, 2019
3 Daily habits of Treasure Coast’s best real estate agent

I recently sat down with Pat Stracuzzi, one of the most profitable Remax agents for St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach counties. It was an incredible opportunity for me to pick his brain about the habits that have led to his success and happiness.

Ultimately, he believes gratitude, teamwork, and accountability helped him grow from an inexperienced agent to the president of a team that closes $100 million in real estate deals every year.

During our interview, he shared three routines he uses to stay focused. They’re so simple you could start them today, and you absolutely should. If you don’t have 15 minutes to watch the interview, here are a handful of the highlights.

Start every day with gratitude

It’s rare that you hear the head of a multimillion-dollar organization say the spotlight should be on people rather than money, but that’s just one example of Pat’s refreshing and unorthodox approach to running his agency.

His newfound approach was inspired by a friend that told him “You need to change your stinkin’ thinkin’.” So Pat decided to start every day by meditating on gratitude, and he’s stuck to that routine for years.

“I start every morning by writing down 10 things I’m grateful for, then I go back, read them again, and write thank you, thank you, thank you, and so on. What happens is you become grateful for things you take for granted, like your family’s health and even the air you breathe.”

It sounds so simple, but that’s 300 expressions of gratitude every month! What’s more, Pat literally carries this positivity with him everywhere he goes. He pointed to a vase full of rocks early in the interview and explained his trick for maintaining a grateful mindset throughout the day:

“These rocks symbolize gratitude. I keep one in my pocket and so do my team members. Every time you go in your pocket and touch it you think about gratitude, and the more gratitude you have in life the more you receive.”

The idea that business is about building human connections and helping people is a recurring theme of my treasurecoasttop100.com interviews, and Pat applies this philosophy to managing his team as well as his clients.

Trust your team

You can skip to almost any part of Pat’s interview and within 30 seconds you’ll hear him exalting his team. He’s the first to admit that he wouldn’t be as successful without those around him, which is why he places so much importance on team communication.

“We have group meetings every Monday where we go around in a circle and talk about what everyone is working on. But we also chat about things like what was in our morning Top 10 list and the best things that happened to us throughout the week. It’s wonderful to hear and it benefits everyone.

Sometimes, you think you can do everything yourself, but that’s impossible. If you have others who share the same goal and you enroll those people in your dreams, anything is possible.”

As the CEO of a managed IT services company, I couldn't agree more. The more diverse and involved your team is, the easier it is for everyone to play to their strengths.

“When I found great people for certain positions I could do what I’m gifted at, which is negotiating sales and working with buyers and sellers. Someone else is covering other departments. You want your company set up so it’s not on autopilot, but there are systems, checklists, and accountability practices that create Ritz-Carlton service that exceeds expectations.”

Keep yourself accountable

Outside work, Pat relies on an accountability partner he refers to as his personal angel.

“I can pick up the phone and it’s like a hotline. I call that person about business or family and it’s like Who Wants to Be A Millionaire you know? Phone a friend! Any time of day I can get advice. My mother used to say, “you are who your friends are.”

That’s it. Start your day with a list of what you’re grateful for, hold weekly team meetings to celebrate about memorable moments, and keep yourself in check with an accountability partner. They’re habits any business leader will benefit from, whether you run an IT support company in West Palm Beach or a real estate agency in the Treasure Coast.

Contact Sitima Fowler today with your business questions or advice!