
The Definitive Guide to Cybersecurity &
Compliance for Law Firms

Co-Authored by Michael Borlaug and Al Alper

When you handle top secret information, you need top-of- the-line cybersecurity and compliance systems.

Inside this book, you’ll learn:

  • The three tenets of cybersecurity and compliance in a law firm.
  • How humans and technology both factor into the most effective and strong cybersecurity structures.
  • What technology is protecting the private data of you, your clients, and your company as a whole; as well as how these systems work to protect you.
  • Legal compliances relegated to you as a result of your job, location, the types of clients you represent and more.
  • Types of backups and their various uses, advantages and disadvantages.
  • When and how to test your storage centers.
  • Disaster recover protocol; including what consequences may follow and how to establish a plan for recovery.
  • Maximizing attorney efficiency by integrating technology into work processes.
  • How employee turnover can affect security, and what protocols should be in place for quick and secure offboarding.
  • What cybersecurity insurance entails and why it’s recommended in today’s threat climate.
  • How to tell which cyber-insurance policy best fits your specific needs as a business or individual.
  • What “good” I.T. support looks like for a law firm and how to find it.
  • The four types of IT support that you might encounter at a law firm.

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